Our Love & Hate Relationship with Food!!! Holiday Series Part

So what’s next??? What can I do to survive and maintain during this critical time of year?!! Well, I’m glad you asked!!! Here is your formula for survival!! Portion Sizes – The food pyramid as we know it has been revamped. It’s be redesigned to help us see food from a different perspective and eliminate the limitations we have put on a “healthy” food choice. It’s simple to understand and easy to use without a drastic and often times traumatic…

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Our Love & Hate Relationship with FOOD! Holiday Series: Part 2

Under-Eating & Performance The term malnutrition is used to describe a deficiency, excess or imbalance of a wide range of nutrients, resulting in measurable adverse effects on body composition, function and clinical outcome. (Saunders, etal, 2010) Malnutrition does affect the function and restorative abilities of every organ system in the body. The most common reason for an athlete or active adult to under-eat is to maintain and/or lose weight. However, because most athletes aren’t knowledgeable about how nutritional needs…

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Our Love & Hate Relationship with FOOD! Holiday Series: Part 1

It’s the dreaded Holiday Season and for some and this time of year is a total struggle!!! The food struggle causes significant anxiety and depression. Thanksgiving is behind us but Christmas eagerly pursues us!!! Food is an essential substance we need 3-6 times daily to maintain total body homeostatic function. So let’s examine food basics and evidence based facts to help guide us all in making better food selections. Whether an elite athlete or the weekend warrior; balancing nutritional…

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